How to speed up a slow computer?

how to fast slow pcWindows 7 made striking pace redesigns over its forerunner, Vista, yet it can't differentiate and the much speedier Windows 8. Likewise, large number individuals haven't experienced the 15-second boot that Microsoft authorities were shooting for in Windows 7 (and achieved in Windows 8 for a few machines). There are emphatically times when in any case you'll have to sit tight for that turning blue doughnut in the former OS. In the event that despite everything you're timid about climbing to Windows 8 disregarding the speed central focuses, there are a considerable measure of things you can do to quicken your foundation of Windows 7.

fastest pc The issue with most "quicken Windows 7" stories is that they teach you to slaughter a rate of the working system's all the all the more dumbfounding visual segments. The introductory nine of my dozen tips demonstrate to you ways you can quicken your Windows 7 structure without exchanging off its appearance. For the people who require significantly more speed or couldn't think less about incredible sight, I've recorded three toward the end that help structure execution to the disadvantage of some visual effects.

how to make slowed pic to fast and smooth
And i recommend to run the virus scan at least once a week or more. I would run spyware cleaners at least once a week to or more. And registry cleaners run them at least once a week as well or ever more than that. 

If anyone needs help with any other things dealing with cleaning or whatever of the pc please contact me thanks again and i hope this information has helped u a lot! 



Spyware cleaners

Trojan Removers 

(nortons spyware scanner)

Registry cleaners

You can securely overwrite deleted files with a built-in Windows tool - Cipher.exe

To overwrite the deleted data at your PC on a volume by using Cipher.exe, use the /switch with the cipher command:

cipher  /w: C

how to permanently delete file from pc


First of all quit all programs whatever running.


Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then press ENTER.

In windows 8.1 "Windows Key" + R works just as easy as it does in windows 7 and CMD is a lot shorter to type than Command Prompt.


Type cipher /w: folder
then press ENTER, where folder is any folder in the volume that you want to clean.

If your data is on a different drive such as a partition labeled D:\ simply substitute C for the correct drive letter. For most people, however, C will be the right choice.

Windows will also advise you to close as many running programs as you can, This will help the window to do a better cleaning up process.  

Here is Complete Reference and guild line about Cipher.exe from Microsoft.


Just remember, don't do this on SSD's regularly.   SSD's have limited read/write ability.   If you erase them, you will shorten their lifetime.

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Ethical Hacking eBook 

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Internet Denial of Service sheds light on a complex and fascinating form of computer attack that impacts the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of millions of computers worldwide. It tells the network administrator, corporate CTO, incident responder, and student how DDoS attacks are prepared and executed, how to think about DDoS, and how to arrange computer and network defenses. It also provides a suite of actions that can be taken before, during, and after an attack. Inside, you'll find comprehensive information on the each and every topic relating denial-of-service attacks.

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Viruses for DummiesIt offers real, practical solutions to help ordinary users keep viruses out of their e-mail in-boxes-and explains how to respond when one slips through-
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Yoga : What Is Yoga?

What Is Yoga?
If you think of people in seemingly impossible and weirdly twisted poses when you think of "Yoga", then you may have an inkling of what yoga is, just an inkling that's it. Yoga is much more than those poses. Derived from the Sankrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate"; yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Yoga is all about harmonizing the body with the mind and breath through the means of various breathing techniques, yoga postures (asanas) and meditation.
The Art of Living Yoga
The Art of Living Yoga is a holistic way of life that integrates all elements of ancient knowledge of Yoga, to make a prayerful discipline uniting the body, mind and soul. Along with the series of simple, yet effective yoga postures and breathing techniques, a greater emphasis is placed on the inner experience of meditation, for the well-being of mind and other hidden elements of human existence. We believe when one is in harmony within, the journey through life becomes calmer, happier and more fulfilled.

what is yoga?
In The Art of Living Yoga programs, the wisdom and techniques of yoga are taught in a pure, joyful and thorough manner. The programs restore balance by helping to strengthen our body, calm our mind, regain our focus and improve self- confidence. It is a complete package for beginners as well as regular practitioners and has something for everyone - of all age groups.

Regular practice of The Art of Living Yoga has brought remarkable lifestyle changes in the practitioners. They have experienced relief from chronic illnesses and have observed behavioural changes. Participants have reported a healthy, happier living with reduced anxiety, increased tolerance and mindfulness.

The Art of Living Yoga is the secret to better health and greater sense of happiness.

Yoga For Everyone
Yoga has never been alien to us. It's a way of our life. We have been doing it since we were a baby! Whether it is the Cat Stretch that strengthens the spine or the Wind-Relieving pose that boosts digestion, you will always see kids do some form of yoga throughout the day. Yoga works for everyone from people engaged in desk jobs to professional cyclists to runners to people looking for weight loss to housewives to students. This section mostly explains how yoga can improve the quality of life for everyone who adopts this practice.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of natural and holistic medicine. Ayurveda means "the science of life" (the Sanskrit root "ayur" means "longevity" or "life" and "veda" means "science"). Ayurveda provides guidance on how to improve our lifestyle while living a healthy and zestful life. Practicing ayurveda also improves your yoga practice, a perfect win-win situation! This section sheds light on how ayurveda can uplift our life in every sphere.

Breathing Techniques (Pranayama) & Meditation (Dhyaan)
Pranayama is the art of effective breath control. Practicing proper techniques of breathing can help bring more oxygen to the blood and brain, eventually helping control prana or the vital life energy. Pranayama also goes hand in hand with various yoga asanas. The union of these two yogic principles is considered as the highest form of purification and self-discipline, covering both mind and body. Pranayama techniques also prepare us for a deeper experience of meditation. Know more about various pranayama techniques in these sections.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras
This section lays an exclusive commentary by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the ancient scripture, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, which will enlighten you on the knowledge of yoga, its origin and purpose. The goal of this rendition of the Yoga Sutras is to make the principles and practices of the Yoga Sutras more understandable and accessible. The descriptions of each sutra offered by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar attempts to focus on the practical suggestions of what can be done to experience the ultimate benefits of a yogic lifestyle.

How Naked Yoga Are Effective for woman

One question haunted me for days leading up to my first nude yoga class. At work, as I ran errands, and as I fell asleep at night, this one absolutely crucial question bounced endlessly around inside my head...

Do I put my yoga mat at the front of the class, or at the back of the class?
I have been practicing yoga for 16 years. I initially started the practice to increase my muscle length and flexibility. When I walked into a yoga class for the first time (with shoes on, like a true novice), I wondered, "Where are all the mirrors?" Coming from a fitness background, I was used to exercise being all about strength, tone, and my outer appearance. With its focus on deep breathing, smooth movements, and inner stillness, yoga felt completely foreign to me at first. But, after a few months of practicing, I started feeling good in very unexpected ways. I remember telling my teacher, "I don't understand all the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing aspects of yoga, and sometimes it's kinda weird to me. All the chanting, breathing, postures, and sitting just seems strange to me. But, I'm going to stick with it." I'm so glad I did, and the health benefits have been immeasurable, but naked yoga? This was a whole new ballgame.
Anyone with even the most casual familiarity with yoga can easily imagine my concerns. Why would anyone want to do yoga naked? I wondered. What could possibly be the benefits?
After a little snooping around on the Internet, I found out that the practice of naked yoga dates back to ancient times. According to the ancient philosophy, naked yoga helps to strip away our attachments to material and sensual desires and connects us more powerfully to our spiritual selves. I still didn't fully understand the appeal, but in my 59 years, I have learned that the best way to understand unfamiliar things is to experience them -- to give new ideas a wholehearted, honest chance. The only way you can truly learn is by moving from observation to participation.
So, once again, I got naked for the sake of personal growth.
When walking into a naked yoga practice, you leave your ego at the door. You have to, because as soon as the sexy yoga pants, jewelry, and makeup that we use to cover and express ourselves are gone, you are left only with your natural, unembellished human form. In those first uncertain moments of class, I felt incredibly vulnerable on my mat in the front of the studio. I fought the urge to feel embarrassed by my own nudity and by all of the other bare bodies around me.
As the powerful Vinyasa flow began, however, I became increasingly aware of the connection to the others in the room. Nothing about the feeling was sexual at all -- instead, I had an overwhelming sense of everyone in the room being "the same." Suddenly, the bodies around me, though beautiful, didn't seem as important as the feeling of freedom created by the whole group through our focus, vulnerability, and acceptance.
After class, I spoke to Monika, the instructor, about why she teaches naked yoga and why people should try this very intimidating art. She explained to me,
"The best part of teaching naked yoga is witnessing the transformations people undergo. First-timers are always scared to participate, and they worry about being judged, but after their first class, they describe it as the best, most open, and most free experience of their lives. It's all just in the mind. In reality, naked yoga is one of the least judgmental and intimidating atmospheres that you will ever experience. Actually meeting your own body -- observing how it functions and appreciating and loving it -- that's the beauty of naked yoga, and it's a great way to start changing your life for the better. When you practice loving and accepting yourself as who you are, you will gain confidence and pleasure in all areas of your life, whether it's in the bedroom or in the boardroom."
Before practicing naked yoga, I carried those exact fears, assumptions, and limited perceptions that Monika mentioned, but now I know that I couldn't have been more wrong. In fact, after class, the only thing that felt uncomfortable was putting my clothes back on.

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